Ofertele de serviciu pe întelesul tuturor
- "Cautam oameni cu experienta"           = "Trebuie sa tii locul a trei persoane care au plecat".  
- "Bune abilitati de comunicare"
            = "Sefii comunica, tu asculti, încerci sa întelegi ce vor sa spuna, apoi executi si te rogi sa fie bine".    
- "Se cer abilitati de conducere"
           = "Vei avea responsabilitatile unui sef, însa bani ioc si respect deloc".  
- "Rezistenta la stres"
                           = "În firma este un haos perpetuu, iar tu va trebui sa te descurci singur".  
- "Salariu competitiv"
                           = "Ramânem competitivi platind mai putin decât concurentii nostri".  
- "Alatura-te echipei noastre dinamice"
 = "Nu avem timp sa te instruim, deci va trebui sa te descurci singur".    
- "Tinuta obisnuita"
                               = "Nu te platim prea mult ca sa vii îmbracat la patru ace; totusi, sunt unii tipi mai îndrazneti ce poarta cercei".  
- "Disponibilitate pentru program prelungit"
 = "Uneori trebuie sa muncesti peste program; uneori în fiecare seara si uneori în fiecare week-end"...  
- "Sarcini diferite"
                                 ="Oricine din birou îti poate cere socoteala si îti este sef".  
- "Trebuie sa fii atent la orice amanunt"
  =  "Nu avem serviciu de control al calitatii".  
- "Daca îti doresti, mai presus de orice, o cariera "
= "Femeile care solicita un post nu trebuie sa aiba copii (si ar fi bine pentru ele sa ramâna asa)".  
- "Interviul va fi personal si confidential"  sau "Numai persoanele selectate vor fi contactate"
= "Daca esti batrâna, grasa si urâta, ti se va spune ca postul s-a ocupat".
Ia o pauza de NET
ce ai putea face?

- fa o plimbare
- fa-ti o ceaşcă de ceai
- Telefoneaza un vechi prieten
- Vizitaţi pe cineva, neanuntat
- mergi la stand, fa plaja
- Găteste ceva nou pentru tine
- Ia o carte buna si citeste-o in parc
- Fotografiaza obiectivele turistice din orasul tau
- du-te la culcare
- Înota în apă naturală
- apuca-te de un puzzle
- Construieşte un fort din mobilier şi lenjerie de pat
- fa o prăjitură
- Planuieste o aventură epică de călătorie
- Scrie o melodie / poezie / poveste
- Fa o lista cu 100 de lucruri de facut pana la anu
What happened in my birth year?

In the year 1987, the time when you arrived on this planet, books were still popularly read on paper, not on digital devices. Trees were felled to get the word out. The number one US bestseller of the time was The Tommyknockers by Stephen King. Oh, that's many years ago. Have you read that book? Have you heard of it? Look at the cover!
In 1987, the year of your birth, the top selling movie was Fatal Attraction. People buying the popcorn in the cinema lobby had glazing eyes when looking at the poster.
 In 1987, the world was a different place.
There was no Google yet. Or Yahoo. Or Stumbleupon, for that matter.
Remember, that was before there were DVDs. People were indeed watching movies in the cinema, and not downloading them online. Imagine the packed seats, the laughter, the excitement, the novelty. And mostly all of that without 3D computer effects.
Do you know who won the Oscars that year? The academy award for the best movie went to The Last Emperor. The Oscar for best foreign movie that year went to Babette's Feast. The top actor was Michael Douglas for his role as Gordon Gekko in Wall Street. The top actress was Cher for her role as Loretta Castorini in Moonstruck. The best director? Bernardo Bertolucci for The Last Emperor.
In 1987... Aretha Franklin becomes the first woman inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Pennsylvania Treasurer Budd Dwyer shoots and kills himself with a revolver during a televised press conference after being found guilty on charges of bribery, fraud, conspiracy, and racketeering. The last Ohrbach's department store closes in New York City after 64 years of operation. British Airways is privatised and listed on the London Stock Exchange. Supernova 1987A, the first "naked-eye" supernova since 1604, is observed. U.S. President Ronald Reagan addresses the American people on the Iran-Contra Affair, acknowledging that his overtures to Iran had 'deteriorated' into an arms-for-hostages deal. The Simpsons cartoon first appears on The Tracy Ullman Show. Rudolf Hess is found dead in his cell in Spandau Prison. Hess, 93, is believed to have committed suicide by hanging himself with an electrical flex. He was the last remaining prisoner at the complex, which is soon demolished. NASCAR driver Bill Elliott sets all time fastest lap at Talladega Superspeedway, with 212.8 miles per hour. Lieutenant Colonel Sitiveni Rabuka executes a bloodless coup in Fiji. Nineteen year-old West German pilot Mathias Rust evades Soviet air defenses and lands a private plane on Red Square in Moscow. He is immediately detained. The first ever Edgefest festival takes place at Molson Park in Barrie, Ontario. Guns N' Roses release their debut album, Appetite For Destruction. The Federal Communications Commission rescinds the Fairness Doctrine, which had required radio and television stations to "fairly" present controversial issues. Unknown perpetrators hijack the signal of WGN-TV for about 20 seconds, and WTTW for about 90 seconds, and displays a strange video of a man in a Max Headroom mask. The video game of the day was The Legend of Zelda.
That was the world you were born into. Since then, you and others have changed it.
The Nobel prize for Literature that year went to Joseph Brodsky. The Nobel Peace prize went to Óscar Arias Sánchez. The Nobel prize for physics went to Johannes Georg Bednorz and Karl Alexander Müller from West Germany for their important break-through in the discovery of superconductivity in ceramic materials. The sensation this created was big. But it didn't stop the planets from spinning, on and on, year by year. Years in which you would grow bigger, older, smarter, and, if you were lucky, sometimes wiser. Years in which you also lost some things. Possessions got misplaced. Memories faded. Friends parted ways. The best friends, you tried to hold on. This is what counts in life, isn't it?
The 1980s were indeed a special decade. The Soviet-Afghan war goes on. Eastern Europe sees the collapse of communism. Policies like Perestroika and Glasnost in the Soviet Union lead to a wave of reforms. Protests are crushed down on Tiananmen Square in China. Ethiopa witnesses widespread famine. Nicolae Ceausescu is overthrown. The AIDS pandemic begins. The role of women in the workplace increased greatly. MTV is launched in the US. There is opposition against Apartheid in South Africa as well as worldwide. Heavy Metal and Hard Rock bands are extremely popular. The rise of Techno music begins. Originally primarily played on campus radio stations, College Rock enters the scene with bands like the Pixies, REM and Sonic Youth. The Hip Hop scene continues to evolve. Teletext is introduced. Gay rights become more widely accepted in the world. Opposition to nuclear power plants grows. The A-Team and Seinfeld are popular on TV. US basketball player Michael Jordan bursts on the scene. Super Mario Bros, Zelda's Link, and Pac-Man gain fame in video games. People wear leggings, shoulder pads and Ray-Ban sunglasses.
Do you know what was on the cover of Life that year?
Do you remember the movie that was all the rage when you were 15? Signs. Do you still remember the songs playing on the radio when you were 15? Maybe it was How You Remind Me by Nickelback. Were you in love? Who were you in love with, do you remember?
In 1987, 15 years earlier, a long time ago, the year when you were born, the song La Bamba by Los Lobos topped the US charts. Do you know the lyrics? Do you know the tune? Sing along.
Para bailar la Bamba
Para bailar la Bamba
Se necesita una poca de gracia
Una poca de gracia
Pa mi y pa tiv Ahi arriba ahi arriba
Ahi arriba ahi arriba
Por ti sere
Por ti sere
Yo no soy Marinero
Yo no soy Marinero
Soy Capitan soy Capitan
There's a kid outside, shouting, playing. It doesn't care about time. It doesn't know about time. It shouts and it plays and thinks time is forever. You were once that kid.
When you were 9, the movie Dragonheart was playing. When you were 8, there was Jumanji. When you were 7, there was a Disney movie out called Pocahontas. Does this ring a bell?
6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... it's 1987. There's TV noise coming from the second floor. Someone turned up the volume way too high. The sun is burning from above. These were different times. The show playing on TV is Remington Steele. The sun goes down. Someone switches channels. There's Thirtysomething on now. That's the world you were born in.
Progress, year after year. Do you wonder where the world is heading towards? The technology available today would have blown your mind in 1987. Do you know what was invented in the year you were born? The Cholesterol Drug Statin. Digital Light Processing. Electronically-controlled Continuously Variable Transmission.
Have you ever seen me? I'm the future
I represent how it's gonna be, I'm the future
Born in 1987, I'm the future
Party people get ready, it's the future
That's from the song The Future by Bow Wow.
In 1987, a new character entered the world of comic books: Mister Sinister. Bang! Boom! But that's just fiction, right? In the real world, in 1987, Aaron Carter was born. And Joss Stone. Tom Felton, too. And you, of course. Everyone an individual. Everyone special. Everyone taking a different path through life.
It's 2011.
The world is a different place.
What path have you taken?
O.G. de urgenta 306/2011 (legea anti-imputiti)
bai fratilor, deci meritam, noi astia care mai dam cu apa si sapun, sa mergem in autobuze in care sa NU PUTA a toti infectii care nu stiu ce e aia apa, sau au impresia ca apa e otravita, spalatu nu strica, nu va fce mai urati, nu va omoara(cel putin eu nu am azut cazuri de deces de curatenie). Mai spala-te cand circuli cu transportu in comun...daca mergi cu tractoru tau sau caruta poti sa puti a ce vrei tu, da cand te vrei in autobuz pe caldurile astea, ca sa nu vomit pe tine de rau ce mi se face instant cand iti simt "aroma" de la celalat capat al autobuzului, SPALA-TE CA PUTI!!!!

un mic chestionar... va rog sa raspunde-ti, este o singura intrebare (despre igiena :D ) 
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